- Tour of the Galilee Churches: Mt of Beatitudes, the site of Jesus’s sermon on the mount.
- Proceed to visit Capernaum (Kfar Nahum) the city of Jesus and the site of Jesus’s ministry. The place of origin of healing and deliverance, the secrets of which were taught by Jesus.
- Visit Tabga, the site of the Jesus's miracle of the multiplication of bread loaves and fish to feed 5000 people.
- Short visit to Peter’s house (Primacy of Peter).
- Slow, short boat ride in the Galilee on a replica of ancient Galilean boats.
- Lunch. (St Peter's fish lunch at the shores of the Sea of the Galilee)
- Tour of Magdala - Recently excavated archeological site of the first century city of Mary Magdalene.
- Visit the exquisite Boat Chapel complex, a marvel of modern architecture.
- Transfer to the sanctuary of Tabor.
- Ride up the Tabor hill in a mini van to visit the magnificent Basilica of Transfiguration.
Overnight accommodation: Tiberias
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner